Thursday, December 22, 2016

The most trunkiest time of the year

Week 23 (December 19, 2016)

My CCM group at our Christmas lunch

Hellllooo everybody!! How is life back the USofA??

Well, this week is Christmas. The most trunkiest time of the year. Also the best time of year!! There's no snow here, so it´ll be a green Christmas for me, but the best thing isn't the snow, it isn't the things we get on Christmas. Being here I won´t have any of that. But that's not important to me. What's important is Jesus Christ. What's important is that we remember him. And that we give him our hearts. Being his servant here in Peru, I´ve learned a lot about Him. Who He is. What His role is in our lives. And what He does for us. What's important is not only that we focus on his birth, but that we focus on His life. His purpose was to give us purpose. His life, he gave, so we could be free from sadness and sin and heartbreak. I know He lives. I know he went through more suffering than we can imagine. I love Him. 

This week we had our Christmas lunch with a few zones from our missions! It was so much fun, we all did a skit, a musical number, and we made a video! It's so cool to be here, and to know that I represent Christ along with all these other missionaries! 

This past week has been weird. 

No one has wanted to listen us at all. We maybe had 5 appointments all week long. Not good. But we made up the rough times with some laid back fun. 

For the Christmas lunch, I was put in charge of making the video. So I´ve been spending a lot of time on that. It took me about two days to make it because the computers here are SO AMAZING. Not. But it took me right back to making videos for SilverScreen at good ole Riverton High School. Good times. 

My zone

Everyday there is a pack of dogs that poop in front of our house, and Elder Fawcett and I got really sick of it. So we found water balloons that someone had left in the house and we had the best idea we´ve ever had. We started throwing water balloons at the dang dogs. It's hilarious. There haven't been dogs since, other than dogs who live across the street... hahahaha.

Hopefully next week is better because that's about all I´ve got for ya´ll this week. 

See ya´ll!!! 

My district
I think I should get glasses

I got a custom Twentyone Pilots tie

No more less actives?

Week 22 (December 12, 2016)

Hey everybody hows it going?! Hope its going great for you Riverton people with Silver Rush happening and all. I miss that time of year! 

This week has been a little crazy and full of rejections! But that's kind of just how it goes in the mission! 

Tuesday we had our zone conference. And we had a bombshell dropped on us. The area 70 here doesn't think the members are doing enough. So, there's a huge emphasis being put on home teaching. One of the movements happening is that us as missionaries aren´t going to visiting less actives anymore. Its not a goal for us anymore. When the zone leaders told us this we were kind of shocked, the members have a lot more responsibility now. 
So. We lost about half the people we have been teaching. And we went out searching for more investigators. And I can tell now that it has not been easy. A lot doors slammed in our faces, a lot of ¨interested¨ people who give us fake addresses and phone numbers. And we haven't had anyone to talk to.
So why am I just giving a really sad email with no success involved? Because that's the truth. Friday we had our multizone conference with all the missionaries from Sicuani (6 hours from Puno), Juliaca (1 hour from Puno), and Bellavista (0 hours from Puno). It was incredible. Elder Godoy, the president of the area 70 came and spoke to us. He's from Brasil. He speaks three languages including English, and he loves cars. Like all the other General authorities of the church we got to shake his hand and tell him where we are from. That's it. But he taught us some cool stuff. But that's not what I'm trying to get to. 

After the conference was over we went into the other side of the chapel and we waited for our dinner to come. While we waited I talked with some of my friends in the mission, when the AP elder came up to me and told me, ¨Hey Elder Haws, Elder Godoy wants to talk with you.¨ 
¨.... What..?¨ That was my response. Why would the President of the area ask for my name specifically out of 100 missionaries there? 

Well, I can tell you right now that God knew I needed that interview. I don´t know how Elder Godoy knew my name, But I know God does, and God knew I needed a little encouragement. 

The reality is that the mission is hard. But every once in a while you´ll see a little miracle. And you´ll just know that you're there for something. 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Rain is Real

Week 21 (December 5, 2016)

Hello everybody how is it going???? This week has honestly been just a big blur, I'm starting to lose track of time which I think is a good thing!! I only have a few experiences this week that were awesome, one kinda funny, and the other really spiritual. It's also been raining every single day this week without fail. Which has been super duper. 

Me and my comp were walking down the street to go to a lesson when this drunk guy came walking up behind us (I have no idea how, because we always walk extremely fast as missionaries.) anyways this guy came up behind me and put his arm on my shoulder, which was funny because I'm about 5 inches taller than the average Peruvian, but his breath as you know was horrible. He had some nasty crap on his face, I couldn't figure out what it was. But it looked like poop. Anyways I start talking to this guy and he tells me, ¨Its a good thing that we have repentance because I need it.¨ (Say that in a drunk voice, its funny) I told him that we were missionaries and our job was to help others repent and come unto to Christ when at that point he stopped walking, and we looked at each other in the eyes for about a good 5 minutes. Super awkward. I then asked him where he lived, and He very cheerfully said ¨The bar¨ and trotted off like nothing ever happened. I love drunk people. 
This was a cool experience, 

When my old comp left, he left me with nobody to teach, so we´ve been going like crazy finding people to teach. This week we knocked the door of an evangelist. But she was actually very willing to listen to us, so we set an appointment to teach for Saturday. Not really knowing where the lesson was going to go we went on Saturday and we taught. We taught with authority. I felt super strongly that I needed to tell her about Joseph Smith. So I started with how Jesus Christ started his church, but it fell away because the people rejected it. And killed Christ and his apostles over time. When I got to where Joseph Smith had the first vision the spirit flooded the room. The lady started to sweat, and she looked really nervous like she had never felt something like this before. We asked her to pray to see if the things we said were true, and she said she would. We hope that she will. Because I know she felt something. And she knows it too. 

We have had a lot of things happen to us this week. From being completely rained out to where no one wanted anything to do with us, to people stopping us on the street asking for blessings, asking to come closer to Christ. And even teaching people who want nothing to do with you, but are too nice to say otherwise. 

It's really cool out here. I miss you all. See you around.

Food Poisoning and Thanksgiving. Then Birthday

Me and my birthday cake

Week 20 (November 28, 2016)

Well hey there all my good pals from home. 
This week has been an interesting one for me.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes this week!! It means so much to me(: Weird... I´m 19....

I GOT MY COMP! His name is Elder Caal, He´s from Guatemala and hes a really really good guy. Im training him and he is 25 years old, so lots of pressure now. He came on Thursday and hes crazy for contacting people. We´ll be rushing to an appointment and he´ll just suddenly stop to talk to someone. What a guy. I have a lot to learn from him! 

Food Poisoning...
On Monday night of this week, our pensionista left our food sitting out for who knows how long. And we all (The Zone Leaders and two other Elders) got food poisoning. What a wonderful disease. Let me tell ya. I think I lost about 4 pounds from it. (Which is good because I'm getting fat.) So from that disease I was down and OUT. In bed for 4 days. My comp came and I had to rest. Whoops. 

Thursday as you all obviously know was Thanksgiving. The best Holiday of the year. There's a family in my ward that lived in Salt Lake City for 8 years, and they love Thanksgiving. So they invited us over to eat! We shared a nice evening with them and talked about our homes, and what we´re all grateful for. I said I was grateful for health, as I was squirming trying to keep my stomach from exploding. (Don't get food poisoning). Thankfully I was able to choke down a piece of Turkey which didn´t taste like it at all. And some rice. (We had rice for thanksgiving. come on Peru.) But it was a good night to remember what I´m really thankful for; family, friends, and the Gospel. And my dog. 

Anyways I love you all so much. 

If Im being honest these have the most testing (almost) 5 months of my life. I never thought that I would actually be doing this, until I was actually doing it. Its hard, but it is so rewarding.! 

Here is my poem for the week:
Puno is wonderful, 
The people are semi-nice.
We are working our tails off.
But people still have agency. 

If there's one thing I´ve learned this week its patience and that happiness is a choice. You can either wake up and say, ¨Yeah today sucks, I don't wanna do anything.¨ Or you can wake up and say, ¨Well, What am I gonna experience today?¨ What am I gonna learn today? How can I grow my testimony today? You guys the most important things in life are the things of God. Not your phone, your possessions, or your money. Sure those are important today to us. And SUPER useful. But God can give and take as he pleases. I´ve seen people here who have nothing, and I´ve seen people who´ve got it all (For someone in Peru). But the only happy people in life are the ones who know who they are and where they come from. So put a smile on that face. And don't ever take it off. 

Love you all! 

My Peruvian family and my birthday

They shoved my face in a cake

Beautiful Puno

Just feeling artistic

We went on a hike this morning to a big condor statue

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

No comp...? No prob.

Elder Haws, Elder Wimmer (ZL), y Elder Bolduc (amigo)

Week 19 (November 21, 2016)

Well HELLLLOOOO. This week was a little weird. my trainer, Elder Diaz, left for Cusco to serve! In the same day my companion was supposed to come. But he never showed up.. So we called the mission office and they told us that basically my companion didn´t exist. Woot. So this whole week I´ve been serving with my Zone Leaders, Elder Wimmer and Elder Melo! It´s been sick. 

This week we were walking around at like 7:30 at night one night, and we were just knocking doors having a good time! When these three little kids came running up to us and started talking to us. As missionaries its always kinda sketchy to just talk with kids because people will come up with any excuse to get you in trouble. lol. So kind of freaking out we talked with these kids. But from the house right in front of us came the grumpiest lady I´ve ever met. 
I love that lady. 

Any ways my week has been quite boring. 

I´ve been able to study a lot though. I´ve been studying the Attributes of Christ. And it´s been incredible! What I´ve done is I´ve chosen one attribute that I want to develop. And I´ve prayed to get it. I´ve studied it. And I´ve tried to do it.
I TOTALLY RECOMMEND THIS. Not only am I coming to know my Savior! Im coming to love him even more each day. 

Mosiah 3:19 says that the natural man is an enemy to God. I´ve thought a lot about this. How can I get rid of that natural man inside of me? How can I be more like Christ? All you need to do is remember where you come from. Who were you before this life? I know you can´t remember that far back. But you can always have an expectation of who you want to be. I would encourage all of you, that that future is a future of hope. A future with the Gospel in your life and in your soul. Remember your Savior. And strive to be like him! 

Love you all BUNCHES. Keep your heads up and remember. I'm always watching. 
jk. See ya. 

Elder Haws y Elder Melo (otro ZL)

Gatito y yo

Hello from the other side

Week 18 (November 14, 2016)

Hi everyone whats crackalackin?! 

This week has been super boring. Nothing happened at all. 

Actually this happened. On Friday night we had a little mission night where the members could bring non member friends to get to know us. But our ward mission leader wanted some people from the ward to sing ¨A Child´s Prayer.¨ So being the only musically educated one in the ward I had to organize and teach it to them. (This is all in spanish btw.) I will tell you right now, that was one of the hardest things I´ve ever had to do. To get them to sing both of the parts at the same time was impossible. It was like teaching a bunch of lost puppies how to sing. It just doesn´t work. But. We pulled it off! And the night was a big success! 

Sunday we contacted people the entire day to reach a goal our president set. We were going all day long and we tripled what were initially supposed to do! It was great! We went back to our house at 9 to count up our weeks work. But then our Zone Leaders called, and told us that we were still short of the goal. So we went back out. Tired as can be. 

We saw one man walking towards us and I clearly heard the spirit tell me to contact him. I started the awkward salutation as always, but we quickly became comfortable talking to each other. He told me his name was Jorge. He then told me that he was a member of the church, but he had stopped attending in 2009 due to his job. And he never returned. He had been waiting for a way to find a way back because he didn´t know where to start. 
The spirit is so real.! We are going to be teaching Jorge this week! 

Today we had changes! My comp is leaving to serve in Cusco! And Im staying in Puno! But Im going to be training! yay. And im also the new district leader. Yay. 

Love you all so much! Hope all is well in the U.S. with Donald Trump. Let me know if he builds the wall. 

Hey EVereeeerrryyyybody. I've been here 17 weeks (November 7, 2016)

McDonalds in Cusco

Week 17

Hey everyone how´s is hanging?? 

This week was... weird! I got to travel back to Lima this week! It was great! 

Wednesday: We drove from Puno to Cusco which is 8 hours by bus. I met up with my friends from the CCM and we went and got McDonalds. Oh it was incredible. 

Thursday: We flew to Lima, got our Peruvian I.D´s, waited in the airport for 4 hours, ate Papa Johns, and Flew back to Cusco. We got to sleep extra because we were dead tired. 

Friday: Drove back to Puno. 

Yeah that was my little vacation this week! Sweet right? 

Anyways there isn´t a lot to talk about this week because not a lot happened. Like at all....

But I do wanna share something that happened during my personal study one day this week. I was listening to General Conference again and there was a talk by I think K. Brett Nattriss. That is an incredible talk. If you ever feel useless or worthless. Listen to this talk. 

He was telling a story about his childhood and how he was the bad child in the family. One morning, as always, his mom was reading to him parts of the Book of Mormon while he was eating. But as always, he wasn´t paying attention.

He had had enough, and burst out, ¨Why are you doing this to us?! Why do you read to us the Book of Mormon every morning.¨ And after this he uttered a phrase he was embarrassed to admit. ¨Mom. Im not listening.¨ 
His mom then responded, ¨Son, I was promised that if I read the Book of Mormon to my kids every morning. And if I would teach them the principles of the gospel. That they would grow up strong, and that I would not lose them. AND I WILL NOT LOSE YOU.¨ 

This phrase, ¨I will not lose you¨, hit my heart so hard. I not only could hear the voice of a servant of God saying this. But I felt God himself saying it. It hit me so hard that I started to cry. 
Heavenly Father´s goal is not for us to get lost, and for us to suffer and to bleed. Is that part of His plan? Yes! But His ultimate goal is for us to get back to His presence. 

I love you all so much and hope all is well back in the USA (: 


Friday, November 4, 2016

A week of ... I don't even know

Week 16 (October 31, 2016)

Wykees ("brother" in Quechua)

So this week was INTERESTING. 

First off I want to testify of Priesthood power and the reality of it. This week we´ve had some pretty interesting things happening at our house. One night while Elder Fawcett(one of the missionaries I live with) was showering and he thought he heard someone calling his name. So when he got out he asked me if I was doing it, but it wasn´t me or his companion or anyone in the house. None of us heard it. The next night I was sleeping and for some reason I woke up in the middle of the night. But I heard one of our windows opening and shutting, so I went to check it out. To my surprise I walked out to a window opening and shutting by itself. The next night us Elders decided to talk to the lady we lived with about it. And we found out that she is in possession of a whuigi board (or however you spell it.) So in a panic Elder Fawcitt and I offered a Priesthood blessing on the house. We have not had a problem since then. The Priesthood is very real. 

Apart from that this week has been really calm. Nothing big has happened other than President is raising our standard of missionary work a ton. We have a lot of work to do here. 

One thing I was studying a lot this week was this past general conference! What an amazing conference. One talk that really stands out to me is President Uchtdorf in his Saturday morning talk. He talks about the sweet message of the Gospel. And how some may have started to take it for granted. Do we take this message for granted? Do we truly show gratitude every week by taking the sacrement worthily? And truly trying to move forward and progress? Listen to the talk! Its amazing. 

Another talk I loved was Neil L. Anderson´s talk. He talked about missionary work. And how it is no longer only on our (the missionaries) shoulders. It is everyone´s responsiblity now. One thing thats different here than back at home is the member´s invovlement with the missionaries. Oh how I wish it was like that at home. The people here live what they belive. They make every effort to go with the missionaries, to share the gospel, to be an example of the believers. 
If you are a part of this gospel, share it. If not, I challenge you to listen to those who carry it in the lives. Read the Book of Mormon! 

You are all amazing!! I love you all. 

We got to go to the floating islands of Puno today! (Los Uros) I´ll be sending some pictures! 
I bought a Five Guy's hat

Four gringos in a mirror

I'm the captain now

Los Uros ( island)

Spirit animals

Jump around

Baptism, President Came, and Friends From CCM

 Week 15 (October 24,2016)
Our Baptisms

Well.. This week was the most interesting week yet of the mission!! A lot happened so I´ll do my best to tell you all what happened! 

Elder Haws with Sister and Presidente Herrera
This week our mission president, President Herrera came to Puno!! He spoke to all of the zones of the Puno regions. We had interviews and he is probably one of the best people I have ever met! He is the best! 

Elders Fawcett, Haws, Hatfield, and Coil!

I got to see Elders Hatfield, and Coil this week! They were in my group from the MTC and we´re all such good friends! It was super sweet!! 

This week we had baptisms. Not just one but 5. It was incredible experience to see 5 of Heavenly Father´s children come to know him and enter the waters of baptism. I got to baptize and confirm our 11 year old investigator, Sandro! He and I are the best of buddies and before our Zone leaders could ask him who he wanted to baptize him, He asked for me to baptize him! It was the best. But yeah, 5 baptisms! What a day it was! I´ll send pictures of these wonderful people later(: 

Anyways, on Saturday (the day of the baptism) we couldn´t figure out how to work the baptismal font pump. We probably spent 4 hours figuring it out. But we finally got it right hahaha. This week I have a lot of pictures and not much to say.. Weird haha... I´ll send those here in a sec.

Love you all! Have a GREAT week!!!!! 
Me and my pensionista's husband

I got bored while my companion was interviewing.

One of the dance festivals they do every weekend here

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

What's up party people

Week 14

Hola que tal todos!? 
(Hey everyone hows it goin?)

Well thats another week in the books. 

This week I am having my first two baptisms!! If you remember me talking about the Alferez family a few weeks ago, they have committed to follow Christ and enter the waters of baptism! I`ll have pictures next week!! Im STOKED. 

Our mission President announced he`s coming to Puno last week, but we`re not sure when. So in a panic we cleaned our entire house out in fear of him coming and seeing our house. Woooo good times.

So lately I`ve been really into collecting Peru coins. Like the USA quarters, there are special coins you can find. So Elder Fawcett (The other white guy I live with) and I have been going crazy. We`ve been asking people to trade coins on the street, and then start a contact, we ask our investigators to see their coins, (Probably not the best idea, but its ok because everyone leaves happy after the coin swap) we also ask our ward members. It`s intense. Elder Fawcett and I are having a race. I`m losing right now. But I`ll catch up. 

The weather is nuts. One day it rains like nothing else on this planet and the next day its blazing hot. I dont get it. 

We play futbol every Pday and Im getting gooooood. Today my team went undefeated. Whats up. 

My fam sent me a package and I got american candy. Hehehe. Yay. 

In all honesty this week was kinda slow. Im praying for an exciting one Next week! 

The Lord`s hand is very clear here. We can see it everyday. I love this gopsel and Im so happy to be a representative of the one who gave it to us. Jesus Christ lives. He is very much alive and guides his church today, not only the leaders but everyone in it. Especially the wonderful people here in Peru.

I love you all so much!! You are my strength when I need it! Keep being coooool. 

Con todo el amor del mundo,

It's really really rainy

Week 13

Howdy ya´ll I hope everything is crackalackin like never before in the states with Hilarry and Donald. People are obssessed with them here and I can´t understand why. I´ve had people try and lecture me about my own country. 

So it´s been raining quite a bit. Last night we had quite the storm while my comp and I were walking to an appointment we had on the other side of our sector. We´re walking and it started to sprinkle, and then in started to drizzle, and then... It was like heaven was taking a shower. Holy crap. Within minutes the streets flooded, my shoes were flooded, and I was sopping wet. It was amazing. I love the rain. Lightning is also a very prominent thing here. And the thunder is very loud. Very loud...

List of weird things I ate this week:
- Chicken feet (again)
- Tongue
- A deep fried fish. (head and all) 

As many of you know, I am a drummer, and since being gone, I haven´t been able to play the drums for about 3 months now. Well this week the drought ended and I found a drum kit to play. And oh my goodness how I have missed it. 

This week was an interesting one that´s for sure, but what week isn´t interesting here? The people we teach are humble, some houses we enter are basically mud, with not a lot inside. Others are just humble, and the families are too. People are nice, people are rude, people accept our message and a lot of the time they don´t. If I could sum up this mission so far, it´s learning. Not a day goes by where I´m not challenged in some way. And not a day goes by without some kind of experience.  I´ve seen so many amazing things here.  One of the amazing things I´ve seen, though, is how people change. People have changed their lives to follow Jesus Christ here. Not because of me. Not because Im white. Not because they don´t have anything better to do. Because they love the Savior. Because they have realized he´s been there all along.   If you haven´t realized this yet, please do. Please just take the time to look around and see Him. He´s in every thing you do. He loves you. And he´s waiting to embrace you with open arms and welcome hands. 

I love you all and I pray for you. Keep living and breathing and loving(: 

Thursday, October 6, 2016

General Conference, YES! (October 3, 2016)

Week 12

Hey everyone!!! Another week has passed and here I am in this run down Internet cafe writing all of my favorite Americans. How is everyone?? 

This weekend was like Christmas with a thing we call General Conference. I  got to watch all but one session in English and it was amazing. Elder Holland roasted all the home teachers. and Elder Bednar gave an awe inspiring talk. I loved all the talks to be honest.

We had a white people room to watch conference in, and we loaded up on the snacks. It was incredible. We had all sorts of cheap Peruvian snacks and a room to ourselves. What a great two days. 
This week like all the others has a been a learning week. My patience is being tested like crazy. It makes me wonder how God feels with us. lol. You all have a been a wonderful strength to me so thank you. 
This week was also full of miracles. or amazing people that I like to call miracles. They are our investigators. I´ll tell you a bit about them. 
What a great kid. 17 years old, lives on his own with his brothers, he studies at the local university and also works a full-time job. He has the strongest testimony and has received some pretty rad revelations. He had a dream that he saw a light. and in the light he saw the Book of Mormon, when he woke up, he looked on his bed and there was his Book of Mormon. He knew right then it was true. He wants to be baptized so bad, but has hard time finding time for it. Right now his baptismal date is Oct. 29.

Yeni(37) and Sandro(11):
Yeni and Sandro Alfarez, I told you a little bit about them last week. Theyre incredible people. They attented General Conference at our chapel and they also really want to get baptized. Their baptismal date is Oct. 22

Flor es un gran joven!!! She has a strong desire to learn the gospel. She´s taken the missionary discussions before and hasn´t felt a whole lot. This time around she says it´s different. She feels the spirit, and she can feel that this church really is true. Her baptismal date is Oct. 22

We have met some amazing people. Some of the most amazing people I have ever met in my life. Their faith here is incredible. They deal with a lot of things that would make us question the purpose of life. and I love them all so very much.

I´ll just share a quote that I read this week and that I have grown to love. 

¨The best thing about living a Christ-centered life, however, is how it makes you feel. It´s hard to have a negative attitude about things if and when your life is focused on the Prince of Peace¨ -M. Russell Ballard. (Our Search for Happiness.) 

Is that not so true? I have found that out here, if you´re thoughts are not focused on the Savior, your life will be harder than it needs to be. I love that so much. And I know that it´s true. 

I love you all dearly and I miss you all. You´re incredible children of God and don´t ever forget that.