This week was incredible!!!! I had more success than I`ve had any other week. This has been an awesome week. It started off kind of slow. Monday all of our appointments fell (which is normal for Peru) and we just contacted all day. But it all started on Tuesday. We visited our investigator Enrique, and we taught him about the doctrine of christ. And then we invited him to baptism and he accepted!! Hopefully, he follows through with it!!
Wednesday we contacted three awesome people who all seemed pretty enthused to learn about the gospel.
Thursday was great. I got to go on splits with my district, and this time I went with my pal Elder Bolduc. We had a successful day. We invited someone to baptism and they accepted. We had a bunch of good contacts and we hiked one of the tallest mountains in Puno. So we were about 16,000 ft in the air. It was a noticeable loss of air. Lol. But on the top, we found a graveyard made by the pueblo that lived there. But the thing about this graveyard was that the only thing covering the bodies were rocks. SUPER CREEPY.
Friday we finished our divisions and the week was just kind of normal. Had visits, and contacted. And it also rains all the time now since we`re in the rainy season. I never thought I could see so much water coming from the sky.
The best thing that happened all week happened on Sunday.
Nothing was happening. All of our appointments fell through after church ended and we didn't know what to do. So we just went and knocked doors until our last cita for the day. It was with Enrique, our golden investigator. We got to Enrique`s house and knocked on the door. And you wouldn`t believe what happened. He wasn`t home. Lol. So we sat down on the curb, frustrated as can be and just thought about what we could do. We both felt impressed to go to an old contacts house. His name is Anthony. When we contacted Anthony, he was smoking a cigarette. But politely noticed that we were holding our breath and put out his cigarette. We told him that we were missionaries and that we had a message, he didn`t seem too enthused to be talking to us. But he accepted the offer to have us visit him. That was 2 months ago, and we haven't been able to find him since. We had kind of given up on him. But at the same moment Elder Caal and I said, let's go visit Anthony. So we went.
Anthony opened his door and let us in, he was very nice to us, he got us a drink of chicha morada (a purple corn juice they have here) and we talked for a little while. Then we started teaching him about the restoration. Progressively throughout the lesson, he sank deeper into his chair and he was just kind of dumbfounded. I was nervous to see what his reaction was going to be. But when we finished, he asked ¨When can I be a Mormon?¨ We couldn't believe it and asked him to repeat it. and he said it again, ¨When can I be a Mormon?¨
HOLY SMOKES PEOPLE WE`VE HIT GOLD. He told us that he would read the book of Mormon, and pray. But the most amazing thing about this was that a little over 5 years ago he left his catholic religion because he didn't feel like God existed. He told us all of his story. But in that lesson he told us that he felt God was real. He told right before we left that he knew that it was his time to find the truth.
Moments like that make the mission all worth it.
That Sunday night we had a little meeting with the missionaries in my ward and my ward mission leader because we had to plan our missionary night. (a night where people come to the church and learn more about what we believe.) But one of the sisters in my ward is dying this change, and she was really sad about it. So sad in fact that she had gotten sick. So we decided that we would give her a blessing. But none of us had oil, (because I had loaned mine out on an emergency) so we ran to a members house to get it. To be honest, I didn't really want to give the blessing, we were on a tight schedule and I had to be home to take care of some of the leadership responsibilities I have here. But she asked me to do it so I couldn`t say no. So my companion anointed, and I gave the blessing. I started in Spanish, but I clearly heard the spirit tell me, ¨Give her the blessing in english¨ So I switched over to English. What an amazing experience it was to feel the Spirit work through me like that. How do I know it was the spirit? Because I don't remember anything I said after I switched to English. The Spirit of God is so real. I love it.
Today we went to some Incan ruins called ¨Kutimbo¨. They're basically towers where the Incans used to throw people in so they could die a slow painful death. The skeletons are still in there. Super freaky. I`ll attach some pics.