Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Week 70 (November 6, 2017)

HELLO, my family and friends. 

This week was a good week! We worked really hard and had some good success! 

Monday- We had a good FHE with the owner of our house and some more people who are renting rooms. We invited some investigators and they actually came. It was super spiritual. 

Tuesday- We had our district meeting, and I just burned my whole district the whole time because they’ve been really hard to deal with.  Then later we had a lesson with Susan, the one who loves sports more than God. She has strong desires to change, but she is really reluctant to do it! 

Wednesday-  Wednesday was fuuuulllll. We taught Jorge, the guy who came to church. He told us that earlier in his life he was listening to the missionaries but never received an answer, and for some reason, he wants to meet again. He is now reading the BoM and praying every night. Then we had an appointment later with Teresa. SHE GOT HER ANSWER!!! She even brought up baptism with us.  But she wants her family to do it with her. That´ll be fun. She has a son named Alvin, and I always scream his name. ya know, Alvin and the chipmunks?? 

Thursday- We taught Jorge again, taught our crazy investigator Fabio, and had an FHE with our ward mission leader. We got 6 references. It was a good night. Also, we ate Jello with them. 

Friday- We taught two families and invited them to baptism. They said they would think about it. That’s a start lolol. 

Saturday- Saturday was a desfile (parade) in Sicuani. So that means that no one was home. It was a long day of walking. 

Sunday- Stake conference, I sang in the choir, and it was GREAT. Later we taught a new investigator named Magali. 

Well, I don´t really a whole lot to share this week. It was an overwhelming week personally for me. But what doesn´t kill ya makes ya stronger. I´ve learned a lot that on my mission, if we feel bad, or if we´re caught up in our own problems, the best thing we can do is emulate the Savior´s example and serve and turn outwards! 

There are two kids in my ward Named Miyagi and Daniel. I call them Mr. Miyagi and Danielson. 

Elder haws

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