Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Yo whats hip-hop happening ya’ll!?!? (August 10, 2016)

Week 4

This week… Well. The same as all the rest. Food is the same, the walls are the same, the people are the same. It’s amazingly fun though. The only thing different from that was that we actually went out will missionaries in the field and did real proselyting. So that was cool. Lol.  

The first time proselyting. What an experience that was. We were in the Lima East mission and there were about 45 missionaries going out to do splits all over the mission. It just so happened that I got to go to one the poorest parts of the city, and if any of you know what a South American Capital city is like, then you know what I’m talking about. The streets are kind of paved, the ground covered in dust. People’s houses aren’t exactly 100% intact. It’s a humbling sight. My companion was Elder Pizarro who was a native of Vina Del Mar in Chile! (I’ve been there.) He didn’t speak English but luckily I know just enough spanish to have a conversation. Anyways, We spent the entire day knocking doors and making contacts with people. When we left the CCM in the morning they gave us all 1 Libro de Mormón (Book of Mormon) to hand out to someone. I went all day and I hadn’t even thought about handing it out. Everyone we talked to was Catholic. It was kind of weird. ANYWAYS. The last house we got to we waited for probably 3 minutes for someone to come out, Elder Pizarro wasn’t taking no as an answer since they were obviously home. Eventually a man named Claudio answered the door. Claudio is Catholic. He knows a ton about the Bible, well at least he knows the concept of it. It was hard to get a word in because he just wanted to preach to us. Elder Pizarro was patient about it, but I was annoyed. Then I heard something almost audibly yell at me, “Give that man a Book of Mormon.” So I reached in my bag pulled out that Libro de Mormón, and in my broken Spanish I told him what it was, I told him that if he read it and accepted the message, he could live with his family forever. Kind of astonished, Claudio took the book, promised to read it, and set up an appointment with Elder Pizarro to be taught the first discussion. After we left the doorstep Elder Pizarro put his arm around my shoulder, looked at me and said, “Cusco is very lucky.”  What an experience that was. Missions aren’t about sight seeing, missions aren’t about having an excuse not to go to college for 2 years. Missions are service. Missions are about saving souls. I love it here.

Most of the time its basically just a big Mormon party with testimonies and teaching. We keep it real here at the CCM.

So many things happen that I wish I had time to write about, but I simply just don’t. Just keep in mind I love you all so very much! You’re in my prayers and thoughts! Peace ya’ll. 

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