Monday, July 3, 2017

Serving Others, Loving Others

Week 47 (June 5, 2017)

Hello dear friends and fam,

On Tuesday this week, I got a phone call from the mission office telling me that I was getting put in charge of a special musical number for when Elder Christensen (a member of the presidency of the seventy) comes to the mission. And basically, I`ve been spending my time doing that this week.  We`re going to sing an arrangement of two hymns “Brightly Beams our Fathers Mercy”,  and “I need thee every hour”.  It sounds pretty good. I put together a choir. And it's taken quite a bit of training to get them to sing it. But it`ll be good!! 

This week also we had to go with one of our missionaries on divisions to Calca (part of the sacred valley) because his comp had to go to Lima to sign some papers. It was exciting. So I took some pictures for you to see. 

Pretty much the life of a zone leader is this. You get put in charge of stuff that no one else would be willing to do. Like putting together choirs, or traveling to a different sector so your missionaries don’t miss out on their work. We`re aren’t lazy missionaries at all. We do more for people. And this week I`ve learned a little bit about serving others. 

When you`re a missionary, it's all about obedience. Or at least that’s what everyone tells you it's about. But when we start reading a little about Jesus` life we start to understand that something comes before obedience. The first law of heaven by which we receive blessings is obedience. Obvious. But what happens when we don`t like to obey? What do we do to enjoy life? Jesus said something that we should all take advice from. Over centuries the Jews had argued over which was the most important commandment. So when Jesus came around they thought they could stump Him with that. But what was His response? “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart… And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” WHOA. That was a whole new thing for the Jews. The world had never been required to love before. But now the Son of God comes and says “its all about love”. So what does that mean for us?? Do we have to love? We are commanded to do so, so yes we do. 

So what does that have to do with obedience? Well, think about this… Why do YOU obey God? Do you obey because you`re parents told you to? Do you obey because you`re afraid of God? Or do you obey because you love Him, and everyone else around you? Christ said that the greatest commandment is love. It is the most important thing we can do. So should obey for no other reason than love. 

So do you love your neighbor? Do you love God? If not, you have something to do! To get this love you can serve! Do everything you can to show God that you care, and then he will lift off the burden from your shoulders, and you will be much more capable of loving to serve others. 
I love this work so much! As difficult as it might be, and as hard it is to be so far away from people you love so much, it is amazing to meet people you`ve never met before and love them! As I learn more about God, and feel his love, It makes it a lot easier to love those around me. And when you love, it makes it a lot easier to live. 

-Elder Haws

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