Sunday, October 29, 2017

A quick one

Week 66 (October 16, 2017)

Well this week went by really fast. This transfer went by super fast. This email is gonna be super fast. Lol jk. 

Monday- Machu Picchu. Can´t get enough.

Tuesday- Absolutely nothing. 

Wednesday- This was our only day of good work. We did a lot of walking but we found some really good people! We have a new family that we found who we think are super prepared! But we´re hoping to rely a lot on the spirit to keep us on the right track so they can progress. 

Thursday- We spent the whole day passing out flyers for the activites we were going to have on Friday and Saturday. So we didn´t really get a whole lot done. 

Friday- We spent all day long finding "Meet the Mormons" to watch at our Mission Night. And when I say ALL DAY. I mean literally all day long. We had to download the video, find a laptop, find the keys to the church, work the tv in the chapel and that's not an easy task here in Sicuani. 

Saturday- We had a Stake Leadership/Missionary activity. We played some games, and had a futbol tournament. Super sweet. My ward definitely won. Then later in the day we had a couple citas, helped some people move some stuff, taught our 11 year old investigator Joel, and ate some cake baked by the Youth in the ward. It was ok. 

Sunday- We walked around all day watching drunk people and no one was home. I'm not sure, the mission handbook says that Sunday´s are the best days to work. When here its the worst day to work. Culture. 

I'm not perfect. The Lord has helped me see that in so many ways. And I'm not afraid to say I'm not perfect because I know that no one else here in the world is. We try, and do the best that we can, but sometimes we cannot overcome the natural man or woman inside of us. If any of you have not read or listened to Elder Holland´s talk from this past conference I encourage you to go and listen to it. I was reading in Alma this week, in the chapters when he talks to his kids and burns the crud out of them. When I read this....

11 And now, my son, all men that are in a state of nature, or I would say, in a carnal state, are in the gall of bitterness and in the bonds of iniquity; they are without God in the world, and they have gone contrary to the nature of God; therefore, they are in a state contrary to the nature of happiness.

(Alma 41:11) 
Alma doesn't say that we are evil people and that we are the worst and that we should just go and not do anything because we have no hope. But for me he is saying that Life is hard. It is hard to be happy. We have everything against us. But we have God behind us. Don´t get discouraged if you feel unhappy. Its supposed to be like that. Just remember, in the words of my good friend Elder Westbrook who just finished his mission, "Happiness isn't a lack of challenges, its a hope that they will come to an end." 

Love you all!! 

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