Sunday, October 29, 2017

Conference and Baptisms

Week 62 (Sept 18, 2017)

Well, this week has been a good week. A lot of walking around. And failed appointments. But some cool experiences. 

Multi-zone conference:
We went to Cusco this week for our multi-zone conference and it was SO trunky being in Cusco again. I miss it.  But we received a lot of good teachings, but nothing out of the ordinary. haha. 



Nelly´s Baptism:
Nelly got baptized this week!!!! Actually its not that big of a deal... because she´s already a member. Her papers just got lost. haha. oops.  But the night before her baptism she told us that she was really grateful to be able to get baptized again. She had made a lot mistakes and took her first baptism really lightly. She didn't really have a testimony and through taking the lessons again she was able to get a firm testimony. It was a special moment to see how the Lord changes people through ways we never ever thought would´ve been possible or likely. 

The rest of the week we were looking for people to teach or find investigators we already have. There isn't a ton happening yet but we have faith to see a miracle! 

This week we were contacting a little bit trying to find some people. We walked up to a door and started knocking but heard from above someone say, "Oh no. Ya found me". So we looked up and saw this middle aged woman we had never even met before. She said, "I know you want to share a message. But you need to know I'm not one for church." And started to tell her whole life´s story. Which actually isn't that weird because everyone will do that here. But this time we sat and listened to this chick for an hour. She convinced herself to take our lessons. And set her own appointment. After an hour of talking to her we didn't even know her name. But she thanked us and we´re planning to go back next week. Just a little story for ya. 

Sorry its short today guys! But there's a ton of pictures to look at. 

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