Thursday, October 6, 2016

General Conference, YES! (October 3, 2016)

Week 12

Hey everyone!!! Another week has passed and here I am in this run down Internet cafe writing all of my favorite Americans. How is everyone?? 

This weekend was like Christmas with a thing we call General Conference. I  got to watch all but one session in English and it was amazing. Elder Holland roasted all the home teachers. and Elder Bednar gave an awe inspiring talk. I loved all the talks to be honest.

We had a white people room to watch conference in, and we loaded up on the snacks. It was incredible. We had all sorts of cheap Peruvian snacks and a room to ourselves. What a great two days. 
This week like all the others has a been a learning week. My patience is being tested like crazy. It makes me wonder how God feels with us. lol. You all have a been a wonderful strength to me so thank you. 
This week was also full of miracles. or amazing people that I like to call miracles. They are our investigators. I´ll tell you a bit about them. 
What a great kid. 17 years old, lives on his own with his brothers, he studies at the local university and also works a full-time job. He has the strongest testimony and has received some pretty rad revelations. He had a dream that he saw a light. and in the light he saw the Book of Mormon, when he woke up, he looked on his bed and there was his Book of Mormon. He knew right then it was true. He wants to be baptized so bad, but has hard time finding time for it. Right now his baptismal date is Oct. 29.

Yeni(37) and Sandro(11):
Yeni and Sandro Alfarez, I told you a little bit about them last week. Theyre incredible people. They attented General Conference at our chapel and they also really want to get baptized. Their baptismal date is Oct. 22

Flor es un gran joven!!! She has a strong desire to learn the gospel. She´s taken the missionary discussions before and hasn´t felt a whole lot. This time around she says it´s different. She feels the spirit, and she can feel that this church really is true. Her baptismal date is Oct. 22

We have met some amazing people. Some of the most amazing people I have ever met in my life. Their faith here is incredible. They deal with a lot of things that would make us question the purpose of life. and I love them all so very much.

I´ll just share a quote that I read this week and that I have grown to love. 

¨The best thing about living a Christ-centered life, however, is how it makes you feel. It´s hard to have a negative attitude about things if and when your life is focused on the Prince of Peace¨ -M. Russell Ballard. (Our Search for Happiness.) 

Is that not so true? I have found that out here, if you´re thoughts are not focused on the Savior, your life will be harder than it needs to be. I love that so much. And I know that it´s true. 

I love you all dearly and I miss you all. You´re incredible children of God and don´t ever forget that. 

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