Monday, August 14, 2017

Good Week

Week 56 (August 7, 2017)

Cusco Zone with Elder Uceda

Well, This week has been full of investigators and lessons. It's been awesome! I`ll just tell you about a quick miracle we had this week. 

We have two investigators whose names are Silva and her daughter Vivian. Silvia has been listening to us for a little while already. But she hasn`t made a lot of progress. Her daughter Vivian is a new investigator we found this week. They came to church last week! It was cool because they came in and I didn't even think they would ever come! So we made some space next to us and they sat with us. But we had the most boring sacrament meeting of my life. They almost fell asleep. So did I haha. SO after the meeting, we were gonna have our class for investigators. But Silvia and Vivian were gone. And I felt the most distinct impression to run downstairs and find them. I was just in time. They were walking out the gate and we caught up to them and begged them to stay. So they reluctantly agreed to stay. 

We had an appointment with them later in the week, and we asked them what they thought about church. She replied, "Do you want me to be honest?". And I knew we were in trouble. She continued and said, "Elders, Vivian and I were ready to leave and never come back to church. We were ready to even tell you that we didn't want to know anything else. But when you came and got us and we listened to brother Erick`s class about the Sabbath Day, we felt something, and we are going to keep the Sabbath Day holy every week now." 

My jaw dropped to the floor. If we hadn`t have gone to keep them from leaving, they probably never would have joined the church. I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost. 

The whole week has been so full of miracles I can`t begin to even tell you about it. We have 6 teenagers we are preparing for baptism now when we didn't have a single progressing investigator 2 weeks ago. The Lord blesses those who are patient. 

I didn`t have a whole lot of study time, but I read this week about Alma the Younger and his conversion. If you have time this week, go read Mosiah 27! and Underline all the principles of repentance that you can find. 

Love you all so much! 

Elders Haws and Iza

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