Monday, August 14, 2017


Week 54 (July 24, 2017)

Well, once again we are on transfer Monday. And I'm staying in my sector. I'm so grateful to stay Santiago and continue to serve these wonderful Cusqueños! 

To be really completely honest this week was super calm. We spent most of our time visiting and helping our investigators progress on their way to baptism! We haven`t had any investigators come to church in over 4 weeks. But this week we had two!! IT WAS A MIRACLE. 

David (14)
We found David last Sunday hanging out with one of our ward members. They were walking down the street and we talked with them for a minute. I asked him if he was a member and he said, "No, but I'm gonna get baptized!" We asked if anyone was teaching him and he said no. So we set a day to teach! Our first appointment was on Tuesday, we asked him if he believed in God, and he said and he does like everyone else here. And that was it. He asked for us to come back the next day. CRAZY. And we did. We taught him the restoration and we invited him to pray. And set an appointment for the next day (this kid is gold). We talked the next day and we asked him if he prayed. He did!! And he got his answer!! He said it like this, "Yeah, I got my answer. I said my prayer and I felt normal. But I started to think more about what you guys taught me, and I felt so happy. I felt like someone was hugging me! I got my answer!"  So we invited him to be baptized and he accepted. He`s getting baptized on August 12th! 

Josué (14)
Recently we`ve been working a ton with references. And with the members because here in Cusco, the people are not very open like you would think in South and Central America. But we visited a family and they gave us the reference for a part family. Or a family where not everyone is baptized. So we went to find them and the less active dad answered. He was happy that the Elder`s came so he invited us in and we shared something short with their family. Josué is their oldest son. Josué is very interested in the church. He came this week to sacrament meeting. We are just trying to help him receive an answer from the Spirit. 

We`ve been seeing a lot of miracles here! Everything is just falling into place! And for me personally. I was reading Elder Uchtdorfs talk about loving and not fearing or using fear from the last conference. It's so good! 

I was reading and he quoted the Savior in John when he said " In the world, ye shall have tribulation, but fear not. For I have overcome the world" I read that and for some reason, I couldn`t keep reading. My eyes were fixed on that phrase. And after reading it 4 or 5 times more I felt such a strong feeling come over me. Almost as if the Savior himself was talking to me saying, "You`re doing good, don`t worry about what you`ve done, I`ve overcome it." 

Christ is our Savior! I know it! But He`s not just a Savior! He`s our friend! And is always by our side! He knows each and every one of us personally! Just trust in him. And all will be well. 

Have a great week people! 

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