Sunday, October 1, 2017

Slow Progress

Week 58 (August 21, 2017)

Hey everrrrybody. Me again. 

This week we`ve been doing a lot to help the investigators that we already have, we didn`t find hardly anyone new to teach but next week will be better. 

The Peruvian Religion
So here in Perú there are so many different Christian religions. So much in fact that the people (mostly the men) here have begun to believe that ALL of the churches are true and that they ALL lead back to heaven. This is a big problem for us because no one believes that baptism is really that necessary. They believe that faith without works can save them. But we know that that isn't true. God requires covenants and ordinances to one day inherit His kingdom. So that is the Peruvian religion. 

Mariano is one of our investigators. He comes to church every week. But every time we have set an appointment with him it falls through. Until this week we caught him in his store! We finally sat down with him, and he told us his story of how he found the church (because he just showed up one day in the church). He told us that his whole life he had been searching for the best path for him to follow. Or which church taught the best doctrine. (Kind of like Joseph Smith). He told us that in his time in Cusco he always wanted to visit the Mormon Church. But every time he tried to go something came up. On Sunday, he came! And he told us that in the priesthood meetings he felt so good. He felt a warm sensation in his heart. And he knew this was the religion he needed to follow. Afterward, he went to his Catholic church and guess what, they talked about the Peruvian Religion. SO when we went to visit him, he had a lot of doubts. But we taught him the Restoration and we felt the spirit so strong. He once again felt what he had felt that one day in the church. And now he`s going to get baptized! 

We`re starting to see a lot of little miracles! Its been absolutely satisfying to finally see the work progress here in Santiago. I love this work! I know it is true! 

Our purpose
In my personal study this week I was reading about Alma when he gave up his judgment seat to preach to his people to save them from destruction and condemnation. In my mission, I`ve seen a lot of missionaries who go on a mission for the wrong reasons. Maybe for the girlfriends, maybe for their parents, maybe because they felt obligated to do so. What I`ve seen is that the happiest missionaries are the ones who have CHOSEN to come. The ones who really understand why they`re there. 
This doesn`t only have to do with missionaries. We all came to this earth for a purpose. Unlike the mission, we ALL WANTED to come. And yet, we see people very unhappy to be here? I was reading why Alma went on a mission. He went because he loved his people. Because he loved God, and he loved his Savior. He wanted to be there. I want you all to think about your purpose here on this earth. Because after all, YOU CHOSE TO BE HERE. 

I love you all so much! KEEP IT REAL. 

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