Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Break up counselors

Week 75 (December 11, 2017)

Well, this week was a good one. We are working hard and finding some new people to teach and we´re seeing God´s hand in our lives. 

Monday- We practiced a dance we´re going to do for our mission Christmas party. It's going to be hilarious, I´ll send it on Christmas(: 

Tuesday- We had our district meetings and I studies with my greenie for a while. We have to study a lot when they´re still in training. It's fun to go over all the stuff that I´ve learned in my mission to be able to help him out too. 

Wednesdays- On Wednesday we went and visited a little old lady named Margarita. Margarita can´t walk and she just sits in her house all day long, so we take a little while every other day to go and talk with her so she doesn´t feel lonely. It's fun to do that service and help her feel the love of God. She´s not a member but her kids are so maybe she´ll get baptized???? 

Thursday- On Thursday it was kind of a slow day. We only had 1 lesson all day, but that 1 lesson was awesome because we had it with a few girls who we have been teaching English to in our weekly English classes Ruth, Gladyss, and Yovana. I got to explain the restoration in English and that was so weird. It was like learning how to teach all over again. 

Friday- OUR DAY ON FRIDAY WAS PACKED. We had appointments every half hour all day long. And only 3 failed us. It's A MIRACLE. No, but seriously when an appointment doesn´t fail its a miracle here lol. We´re trying to help our investigators understand more completely that our purpose is for them to make covenants with God. Because a lot of people here just think that missionaries come just to be friends or just to talk about "the word". 

Saturday- We spent a long time studying and talking about how we can teach better our lessons. We had some good lessons and that was that. 

Sunday- We were practicing for a stake music program in the church and the time got away from us and we missed one of our appointments. I was kind of frustrated, but as soon as we were heading for the door an atheist investigator walked into the church building and told us that he wanted to talk. They were going to close the church so we took him to our house and he told us he was going through a break up lol. So he felt discouraged. So we read alma 7 with him and it was awesome. We told him to pray, and he agreed. Maybe it's his time??? 

This week was a good week! I'm loving the mission and I'm learning so much. IM SO GRATEFUL FOR THIS CHURCH. 

I love you all so much! See you next week! 

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