Tuesday, December 19, 2017

No idea what week it is

Week 76 (December 18, 2017)

Hey guuuuuyyss! It's me again! This week was pretty slow! But we did have one miracle. 

We received a new goal from President of 9 New Investigators every week. That's a lot haha. He wants us to boost our finding efforts and do even more than we have been doing. So we went into the week just so excited to find some people. And we found absolutely no one... All week long we were contacting and talking to people. We did everything we could. But every single appointment we set was a lie. So we were a little dishearted, but we kept on working and smiling and doing the Lord´s work. 

And then on Saturday, we had our miracle. We thought we should go and talk to a family in the chakras that we contacted, at around 4:30 pm.  So we went, and didn´t find them, but instead, we found one of the daughters we had never met. Her name is Edith. We asked if she had some time and she said yes. So we talked. And we taught her the restoration. We invited her to pray and she agreed. So she told us we could go back at 8:30 the next morning. 


So we went back, and we asked her how her prayer went. At first, she didn´t want to say anything. But then commented after a few more questions, "I felt like a relief being taken off my shoulders, what was that that I felt." 

HOLY SMOKES. So we explained that it was the Holy Ghost and that He had spoken to her heart. We explained that to understand what she had to do now that she had to read the Book of Mormon. She had to pray about it. And then she had to follow it based on the answer she would receive. Wow. 
We contacted Edith, taught her, she received her answer and we verified in all less than 24 hours. 

That was our little miracle for the week. 

I´ve come to realize here that if we want to have success in life, we cannot get discouraged. We cannot stop doing the Lord´s work. Because our work will always fail. But the Lord´s work never fails. 

I was reading in Mosiah 4 this week. And I came across something I loved. I read in verses 11 and 12. And I received an answer to my prayer. Lately, I´ve felt very sad. I couldn´t figure out why. But King Benjamin tells us that if we want to "always rejoice" There are things that we have to do. And I had stopped doing those things. If you want to know what those things are. Go read Mosiah 4:11-12. 

I love you all so much! Have the best week of your entire lives!! 

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