Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Hi guys!!

Week 72 (November 20, 2017)

HIIIIII guys. This week was a good one! 

Tuesday- We didn`t have a lot, taught Jenifer (15) and Joel (11). Jenifer doesn`t have a lot of time to follow through with her commitments. At least that what she told us. Joel is just a kid and he can`t progress without the help of his parents so we`re at a standstill with him. But it was a good day! 

Wednesday- Today was great, we had a bunch of appointments, but the most important was with Jorge. This guy is so ready to get baptized. He just hasn`t received his answer yet. So we taught Lesson 1 the Restoration. SO SPIRITUAL. I know he felt it. At the end of the lesson, he shared with us that God was giving him another opportunity to accept the gospel. Because he refused it before. He`s realizing a lot of things!! 

Thursday- I went on Divisions with Elder Austin. We talked English all day long and it was awesome. 

Friday- We helped one of our investigators sew. He has a shop where he makes cultural dance clothes and that's like big business here. They love dancing. So we helped sew a few things and it was sweet. He`s making mariachi suits. Later that night we had a FHE with the ward secretary and he gave us... 13 REFERRALS. it was awesome. This week we are going to be contacting all of them. 

Saturday- We had a bunch of baptisms to attend in the zone so we didn`t get to work. But it was a good spiritual day. 

Sunday- We had an appointment with our investigator Maria Consuelo. She is a referral from our ward mission leader. And she is awesome. We had a lesson with them and it was ok. We taught and she kind of listened. But we had her end with the prayer and we were expecting a normal prayer, the basics. But we were so wrong. She broke down in the middle of the prayer and the spirit came in so fast. Wow. I hope she felt what I felt in the moment. I could feel God´s love for her. So we invited her to get baptized on December 23rd. And she accepted. SO COOL.

Today- IM IN CUSCO. We got invited to the Misión Cusco turkey bowl. So fun. It was really hectic because the Latins had no idea what they were doing. But it was still fun! 

If there`s anything I could add, it would be a challenge. If you read this letter to this point thank you haha. I want to invite you to go and serve someone this week. And just look to feel the love of God for the person you serve. Then you will feel the love of God for you. The key to happiness is found in reaching out to others and working for something bigger than yourself. 

"You don`t have to be larger than life to be a hero, you only have to be larger than yourself." -Mitt Romney

Love you all. Perdon the Romney quote, but I liked it lol. 

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